Jesus Deconstructed His Faith, and So Have I

‘Deconstruction’ has been a bit of a hot topic in the Christian world. Those who are experiencing it tend to find it a scary, but vital development. Those who aren’t, tend to see it as a threat that needs to be averted. While I have a wealth of knowledge…

Solid Bites: Why are you afraid of the Dark?

'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' (ESV) John 1:5 Take a good look at the cave pictured up above. Without the light shining in, that cave would be utterly dark. Now picture what would happen if a light source was…

My Favorite Psalm Says 'Fuck'

'Prayer' by Kings Kaleidoscope is an explicit song by a Christian artist. I don't have any answers as to whether or not it's the correct thing to do. However, I will say that I have seldom heard a song that more effectively, and powerfully,…

The Value of Women

True empowerment as women comes from embracing womanhood and understanding that we don't have to be just like men in order to be valued just like men.…